Friday, April 8, 2011

Why do we act like we know people that we don't?

As I See It.....regarding politicians, you don't know the person you're voting for, so stop acting like you do.  Those of us with an ounce of sense look at their voting record, listen to what they have to say, look at history and vote for the person that we agree with the most.  I've never talked to the people I've voted for, had dinner with them, picked their brain about anything or had any kind of personal interaction with them whatsoever (except for on a local level).  Yet, the majority of Americans choose to vote for someone based on how they look, whether they smile alot, what kind of feeling you get from them by seeing them on TV, what your best friend's husband's cousin has said about them. don't know these people.  You don't know if what they are saying is true and you certainly can't trust someone you've only seen on TV.

Those of us who live in reality know that people say things to get elected...things they have never believed and may never believe.  Yet, that's what we have to believe they mean.  I don't trust them or believe them 100%, but pray that they at least follow through with a good 30% of what they promise.  For those that act like they have it all figured your, YOU DON'T!  I know that's hard for you to hear, but it's truth.  The fact of the matter is that you don't know any more than the dumb ass who votes based on looks've just equipped yourself with knowledge that you hope is true. 

My point in this is to say that I'm sick of people acting like they know the answers and I'm sick of people acting like they can place blame on one person that they have never met, much less talked to.  And if you want to be part of the blame game that is going on Washington right now, go ahead, but you don't know any more than the next person...not really.  Talk it out, great, but if you're going to talk about how stupid everyone is, please include yourself.  As for the puppets in Congress, grow up!  Do the most basic thing you were put in office to do and put your dumbass agendas away.  Quit acting butt hurt about planned parenthood  clinics and healthcare and vote in a damn budget. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011


What a horrific week I've had.  I've always been an anxious person.  I get something in my head and make myself sick about it.  I found a bunch of knots on Isaac's neck this weekend and took him to the Doctor on Tuesday.  She wanted to run a blood test and check his white blood cell count, sugars, test for Mono, etc, which really threw me off.  So, I literally made myself sick for 2 days until I heard from the Doctor today.  Luckily, his tests came back good (we're still waiting on the Mono test).  He's obviously just trying to fight something off and the Doctor thinks it's allergies.  
Today, the kids play great once they get home.  I take them both to Barnes and Noble to spend their gift cards from their Aunt and then I take them both to the grocery with me.  They were great.  I get home in time to get Ayla ready for gymnastics and she's fine until we get there.  Then, she starts complaining about her belly hurting and cries until the Instructor tells her to come see me.  She was shivering so bad but was cool as a cucumber.  I really believed she felt bad.  Now we're home and she's doing better although she says her belly does still hurt.  I think she's tired and cranky and didn't want to do gymnastics.  
For some reason, this week, I've been so depressed.  When Ayla said she felt bad tonight, I almost just sat down and balled my eyes out right there.  I feel like I'm tired and worried most of the time.  And lonely.....  I love my husband and children so much, but I really miss the great group of friends I had in South Carolina.  I feel our lives moving on and away from each other and it makes me so sad.  I know it's natural, but they were all such a safe place for me (once I weeded out a couple of bullies).  I know I'll make new friends up here and I love being so close to my Mom.  I know I will.  In the meantime though, Matt works so much and Mom is taking care of Dad and Aunt Myra.  I can't just call someone and say "you have coffee ready?" and go hang out for a little while and talk things through.   Working part time helps, but some days I don't feel like I'm finding my niche there either.  I love the job though and think the people I work with are great.  
Anyway-so much for my self destructive behavior and pity party.  I know I have a lot to be thankful for and I am so I don't really need to hear that from people.  I think a lot of Moms feel the way I do at some point.  Sometimes being a Mother is worrisome and lonely and tiresome and all-consuming.  Only sometimes though and the other times totally make up for it.  I feel better already by just putting it out there.  It's snowing again and tomorrow is Friday.  Thank God.

Friday, December 17, 2010


I'm sitting here waiting on my husband to get home from work so we can go finish our Christmas shopping....listening to music.  Up until college I really didn't listen to much music other than Contemporary Christian music and what we were playing in band.  After meeting two of my best friends in college (Amy and Dwayne) and my future husband (Matt), I realized how moving and life changing music can be.  They all had such a huge passion for music and words that I was left speechless by their conversations about it...both because I had no idea who they were talking about and because I was amazed by their enthusiasm and love for it.  I began to figure out what I liked and didn't like, and realized that maybe secular music wasn't of the devil.  LOL.  Music speaks to me more than a sermon, more than an inspirational speaker, more than a class.  I am so thankful that I made friends who encouraged me to explore what I liked and that I had the courage to do it.  It's one of the things I want to pass on to my kids early and hope that they can experience it much earlier than I did.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


As most of my friends know, I am against the Death least for the last 10 years or so. Today really tested that belief, although I still stand by it. I am just beginning to understand how someone can be and remain a victim of domestic violence. I've always thought....I would just leave or how can someone allow someone else to constantly do this to them....always admitting that there's really no way I could know since I've never been in that situation. What I should be asking myself can someone beat a human being when there is nothing to provoke it. What inside of them makes them do it and could they stop it if they really wanted to? If I were in a situation where I was being abused, where I had children and no family, where I was told if I whispered a word I would be killed or my children would be killed, where I was locked up with no phone or internet, where every move I made was watched and filed away in someone's sick brain, where I couldn't think past how to get through today much less where I could run to if I left, what would I do?

I used to say there was no way I would stay...that I would report the Bastard and move on with my life. Now I realize it's not that easy. Some of the most calculating, controlling, manipulative people you will ever meet are perpetrators of domestic violence. Would I take a chance that they would act on their threat of killing my children? I don't know. Would I take a chance of calling the police and them not doing a damn thing, only to make the perpetrator more angry? I don't know. Would I file charges if I did get away and have to repeatedly come face to face with them in court? I don't know. 

I do NOT believe in the death penalty because there are too many cases of innocent people being executed. Even with DNA testing, new cases are not always 100%. Unfortunately, we have to be cut and dry on these issues. Otherwise, who decides? Is it ok to execute everyone on death row, even if there is not 100% proof of guilt, and call it "friendly fire"? We know some of them are guilty so we have to take our chances with the rest for the common good?.? I don't think so. Would I think the same way if someone raped MY little girl? I don't know. I pray I'll never have to find out.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I've been thinking about starting a blog for a long time so that I could have a place to write my thoughts. So, I'm going to give this a try. If you follow my blog, please don't take offense at what I say or try to change it. I change my mind all the time all by myself. You can give your opinion if you'd like, but I will NOT argue with you. If I choose not to reply to a comment, it's not because you've stumped me. I'll admit when that happens. Hopefully, this allows me to work through some of my own questions. I think that putting what you believe in writing is one of the hardest things to do and I encourage everyone to try it themselves.